Screen shots from Into the Fire: Baptism by Fire by the Muay Thai Premier League

Well, it’s September 2 and for many of us Kwesters, that means today we are desperately wishing we were in Long Beach, California, where the Muay Thai Premier League has brought together 24 of the best Muay Thai fighters in the world to debut the League and generally knock the socks off North America. This is a serious “who’s who” list of fighters from across the world and most of us can’t even imagine the level of dedication and intensity that goes into their training day in and day out. It’s a special breed that can sustain this level of training and excel at it, and what I wouldn’t give to get my butt into one of those seats in California tonight to watch it all go down in person.

Since that’s not possible, I’ll be looking for somewhere to watch the show online and in the meantime, since it’s Friday and a long weekend, you should all take the time to watch this video (sorry, I can’t embed it so just click on the link to view) and marvel at the skill, the finesse, the power and the mental endurance that you can get just a glimpse of here, in the best fighters in the world.

PS – “Steel sharpens steel” – Fight Campers, HOW MANY TIMES have you heard Kru Kelly say that?!

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