
It’ summer time and it’s hard to think about training every day, but remember that soon it will be fall and you’ll be ready to get back at it! Here are a few more reasons to think about Fight Camp and competing from three more of our fighters – Jennifer, Joe and Derrick:

Jennifer Willis

Q. Why should I apply for fight camp?

A. Applying for fight camp is a big decision.  My biggest decision was “Am I ready”?  A lot of people think they need more experience, need more practice or need to know more before applying for fight camp.  This is not necessarily true.  The amount you learn in fight camp is huge.  If you have the desire and drive to learn then fight camp is where your learning process will begin.  You will not only come out of fight camp with more knowledge and respect for the sport and other fighters but you will be in the best shape of your life.  If you are willing to work hard the benefits are insurmountable.
Q. Favourite Fight Camp memory?

A. I have a couple favourite memories.  The amount of support between the fighters is amazing.  There were times where 1 or 2 fighters were required to do a large amount of sit ups.  Even though they didn’t have to and they were tired, the rest of the fighters were right in there doing the sit ups with them, supporting them and counting for them.  The support from the whole team is what gets you through the day.

Q. Would you do it again?
A. DEFINITELY.  There is so much to learn.  Once you step in the ring and have completed your first fight the desire to do it again is very strong.  The feeling is hard to describe.  It is something you really need to feel for yourself.
Joseph Stephenson
Q. Why should I apply for fight camp?
A. The reason one would apply for fight camp is to team up with other club members training for an ultimate goal, whether that may be fighting or personal benefits.

Q. What is your favourite fight camp memory?

A. My favourite memory of one the fight camps I have done is doing the ox cart and almost not being to finish due to physical exertion. It was the encouragement and support of my fellow teammates that inspired me to finish.

Q. Now that you are on the other side would you do it again?

A. I would join in a heart beat. Each fight camp makes you stronger not only as a fighter but as a person.
Derrick Fisher
Q. Why should I apply for fight camp?
A. I applied because I wanted to challenge myself.  I spent many years training and learning and wanted to use it. Also I wanted to show everybody the skills that I have learned.  One final thing….it’s freaking awesome!!!!!
Q. What is your favourite fight camp memory?
A. The camaraderie, we stuck through the good the bad and the ugly.  When one of us started to fall the others were there to catch you and pick you up.  Oh yeah, the three hundred sit ups after every session…lol
Q. Now that you are on the other side would you do it again?
A. Yes i would before I am too old and other priorities become more important.

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